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Gases are all around us at all times, we cannot necessarily see them, but they surround us. Gases have always been unpredictable, this is why the scientific community created an ideal gas."There is no such thing as an ideal gas, of course, but many gases behave approximately as if they were ideal at ordinary working temperatures and pressures" (ChemGuide). An ideal gas, coming from its name, is a perfect gas and is considered "ideal". It behaves just as the way we would like gases to behave like. On the other hand, we have real gases which are gases that are utilized and worked with on day to day bases, they exist. A formula called: The Ideal Gas Law is given to the ideal gases to predict how they behave. This law was discovered a long time ago in 1834, however, it was later that scientists started to explore that this hypothetical formula does not apply to all of the gases. The historical aspects of this law will be discussed later.

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